Monday 9 May 2016

Criminal Law in USA

Criminal Law?

Criminal law is unfair to keep the public safe and legal provisions designed to stop the system. the law face incarceration, fines and other sanctions violations. American criminal justice system is a complex and adversarial in nature. excluding minor traffic violations, the accused persons requesting the assistance of an attorney.

Certain crimes and their consequences for violation of local, state and federal levels found in the penal codes of entry into force of the law. Less serious crimes are classified as misdemeanors. This is usually the county up to a maximum of one year in prison. Examples include theft, possession of small amounts of controlled substances and includes the first criminal drunk driving.

the more serious nature of the crimes are classified as extremely difficult. This is a state or federal prison penalty of one year or more. The crime of murder, theft, rape, and violence is a crime, such as embezzlement and money laundering and white collar crimes.

Questions must be interpreted in any case as a criminal statutes of judges and lawyers dealing with the same issues before a court confession. This is known as the "Star decision." It contains a set of court cases before the court ruling that once a decision later means a binding precedent for similar disputes.

Law enforcement agencies have the responsibility to investigate alleged crimes. The procedural rules of police officers investigating the citizens to ensure respect for the constitutional rights of the place. challenged the legitimacy of the criminal defense lawyer, as a result of a breach of procedure by the police in times of conflict.

To protect your rights.

every stage of the criminal justice system of defendants who are not familiar with the traps. Increases the chance of a criminal lawyer or a judge to prevent them said their clients are prepared. legal counsel has not been appointed or hired, know their rights and to avoid damage to the interests of accused persons.

For example, following the arrest of a human rights question a suspect in connection with the crime. staff reports of a suspect's "Miranda rights" (the right lawyer for the right to remain silent), and then turn to take action. The defendants without lawyers present, can later be used against them in a court strike statements.

Both misdemeanors and serious, a condo in open court. A request to explain the nature of the charges against the accused and the judge asks for. without the help of a lawyer, defendants often plead guilty at the initial stage. As a result, they are important rights, as well as an opportunity to negotiate the terms of his sentence.

Discovery will be an important step in the criminal proceedings. trial the evidence gathered by the prosecutor, law enforcement agencies may be required to turn over all copies of it. MR DUI cases, especially in the police reports, laboratory results, video recorders and other products may be settled in the case or the court will determine whether to continue. to make an informed decision, the defendant must take these materials.

The state is ready to accept the defendant fails to offer a plea bargain, the court case continues. It is time to question witnesses and present proof for the jury. the person can not move the court. Legal training, etc., effective cross-examination and the rules of evidence are required. After all, the defendant goes free results, or may be going to jail.


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