Monday 9 May 2016

Human Trafficking Laws In The States


Control of the people for the benefit of human trafficking and exploitation. As defined under US federal law, victims of human trafficking end up in children, and adults age 18 or coercion, or commercial sex acts that deceives those who are forced into forced labor, and no one on their own.
Human trafficking has become a concern for many of the state laws across the country. This led to a proliferation of state laws; These laws are different ways to attack the problem. This document is a summary of the state of human trafficking each state. the laws established in the following six categories:

trafficking laws and increase criminal penalties

 1 human trafficking, government commissions or committees and task forces to create a
 3-law to provide protection and services to victims of human trafficking Any false passport,          immigration or other government document destruction, concealment, removal or possession of    prohibited
4-law Threats to report the immigration status of a fraud built
5 Miscellaneous

To increase the legal penalty crime and trafficking in human beings

Alabama H 432 (2010)

human trafficking; it will be unlawful for a person by means of coercion or deception or the value of financial services, or to perform certain sexual activities that cause a person to request another person; penalties; the corporation was not aware of the actions of their employees or agents, if the exemption for a corporation.

Arizona HB 2405 (2011)

Crimes related to human trafficking organizations, criminal judge, and the judge will not stop the trial or pardon a person convicted of this, will be judged worthy of being freed or commuted; Under certain conditions, a temporary exemption.

Arizona SB 1059 (2010)

in the sex trade laws, fraud, force or power, transport and energy.

Arizona HB 2238 (2010)

illegal trafficking addictive.
Arizona SB 1281 (2009) (also refer to the destruction of the government Document)
a sex-free activities, including, though, and they all engage in prostitution or sexual, with the knowledge that expands the classification of sex trade trafficking. including the classification of trafficking in persons and expands the definition of forced labor or services.
Arizona HB. 1372 (A.R.S. §13-306) (2005) (also refer to the section Services of victims)
human trafficking and human trafficking. sex trafficking crimes committed against a person under the age of 15, as a dangerous crime against children.

Arizona SB 1338 nm (2005)

Such a qualification in a subsequent criminal offenses a prison sentence of 30 years for the crimes, and requires registered sex offenders for crimes that "15 years of age underage sex trafficking" addictive. registration is required and multi-family houses and the number of practitioners who have been living in the existing number of housing units is at least 10%, except for some offenders, a test for a registered sex offender prohibits the pleasure of living in countries with a population of more than 2,500,000 lives. sex offender registration requirements in (e) a person (they live in), and include the address of the residence.

Arkansas S 222 (2010)

human trafficking for impact test and the conditions of parole.

California AB 12 (2011)

The child tries of Commerce, Exploitation and Sexual Slavery Act of 2011 should be 18 years of age if you want to buy a prostitute or a prostitute who is responsible for the provision of sexual services, ordered to pay a fine of not more is needed the commercial exploitation of minors for crimes not exceed the amount specified for the funding of programs and services.
California AB 22 (the Play Pen. Code §236.1) (2005) (also refer to the section Services of victims)
forced labor or services, or any other person who committed felonies or for maintaining the crime, and sentenced to state prison for 3, meaning a small penalty for the purposes of trafficking, organized crime, should be 4 or 5 years, or 4, 6 and 8 years.

Colorado SB 140 (2010)

Abolished and adult trafficking, child trafficking and forced slavery to force the changes to the rules relating to her; To prove the crime of child slavery and forced coercion use of force or fraud for the evidence to prove the crime or trafficking, trafficking in adults, requires evidence of the use of force or fraud; Adult sale of children, child trafficking, forced and involuntary slavery addictive.

Colorado HB 1123 (2009)

"Child," eighteen years, instead of six children by providing means any person who is under the revision of the provisions related to sales force and forced slavery. Child trafficking is a criminal offense is a Class 2. it is, I believe they will hurt a person to carry out the work using threats to cause damage or scheme if a person coercesBağımlılık a "forced slave".

Colorado SB 206 (2006)

adult crime is a Class 2 offense of illegal immigrants, smuggling is not a crime in Class 3. Smuggling, and later, in exchange for money or remain in the United States or Colorado or illegal residence status to someone included in the offer. A separate crime against a people smuggler.

Colorado SB 207 (2006)

Crime and Punishment increases in human trafficking. A human trafficking, money exchange or bartering for an adult (16 years or older), includes the sale of leasing. Human trafficking, as well as cash (section 1) include services for adults. a Class 3 crime results in the sale of any child under the age of 16.

Connecticut SB 153 (2010)

establishes penalties for prostitution and exploitation of children in care.

Connecticut SB 153 (53-394 et seq.) (2006)

trafficking or forcing others to work with people who engage in criminal and civil penalties. If there is such a tradition of operating under the regulations of smuggling a criminal case in connection with the crime and allow the state confiscation of property.
Delaware HB 116 (§787) (2007) (also see Services)
trafficking in persons and federal laws patterned after the model of the Ministry of Justice of involuntary slavery a criminal offense.
250 (2006) Florida SB (see Services)
the crime of human trafficking. Threatened or forced to work to eliminate human trafficking for the purposes of immigration, including the destruction of documents.

Florida SB 1962 (Chapter 391) (2004)

the purpose of prostitution or sex trafficking for the purchase or sale of minors to 30 years in prison for anyone convicted of sex trafficking a crime in the first degree. two secondary committed felonies follows: forced labor; and, knowing that the purpose of forced labor or prostitution, trafficking for the sex trade and human trafficking is 15 years in prison for the crime of criminal punishment. Of death or the results of the first degree is a criminal offense committed against a person under the age of 14 sex trafficking activities.

Idaho HB 235 (2011)

Criminal Gang Enforcement Act; term "criminal gang activity patterns in the definition of a child of a weapon, possession of a bomb or harmful device and the battery or sexual exploitation, including some of the crimes, and others again; and on the school grounds crimes, including crimes can apply for a maximum period of imprisonment.
Idaho HB 536 (18-8501 et seq.) (2006) (also see Services)
increases the penalty for a crime related to human trafficking case. Sources of human trafficking victims in Idaho and federal-funded programs required to report the relationship of these resources.
Illinois HB 1469 (Act No. 94-96) (2005) (see also section)
forced servitude, forced labor and sexual servitude and trafficking in persons for the crime. Mandates and the Illinois Attorney General, representatives of the state Administrative Office of the Courts in Illinois, Circuit Court officials, in cooperation with the Department of Human Services and the Department of Public Aid should ensure that victims of trafficking or forced servitude social services, federal and state welfare programs, referred to victim protection services and immigration services.

Iowa SB 606 (2010)

It is a crime to keep a brothel on the draft law be repealed. A similar Criminal Code Chapter 710AE (human trafficking)
Iowa SB 2219 (§710A.1 et seq.) (2006) (also refer to the Task Force)
Human trafficking a crime under the laws of the state. Order for victims and training related to the treatment of victims of trafficking in sensitive language and encourage communication by law enforcement officials. institutions of a victim compensation fund for victims of human trafficking. calls for a study to examine the impact on the victims of trafficking.

Kansas HB 2010 (2011)

civil procedure; covered offenses and theft of a dependent, the discharge of a gun crime, gambling, Medicaid fraud, dog and cock fights or dog and cock fighting equipment, prostitution, human trafficking, worthless checks, forgery mistreatment, including the loss caused to the other major card theft or fraud and financial crime.

Kansas SB 37 (2011)

Under state law, except for the crimes and is not otherwise required to register the people of the State to cover the act of the offender; sex offenders, child sexual abuse, sexual violence, crime, drug offenders, registration fees, registration violation, a registered child care facility, the registration of sex offenders account for some of the crimes time, the proposed transaction or testing, and post a juvenile criminal record expungement.

Kansas SB 434 (2010)

Change the order of a number of criminal offenses; human trafficking is one of them.

Kansas SB 586 (2010)

skilled human trafficking is a serious person, 1.

Kansas SB 72 (K.S.A. §21-3707) (2005)

a severity level 1, level 2 crime and the severity of a crime of qualified trafficking crimes such as human trafficking.

Kentucky SB 43 (§506.120 et seq.) (2007)

promotion of human trafficking and human trafficking a criminal offense. development as an element of the crime of human trafficking, prostitution, addiction.

Louisiana HB 49 (2011)

human trafficking; trafficking and sale of children for purposes of sexual crimes; change these crimes; definitions; and punishment.

Louisiana HB 531 (2010)

cover the elements of the crime of human trafficking; for the crime of human trafficking, and knowing a person to provide labor or services fraud, force or coercion by any other person, recruitment, port, transport, supply, demand, or that it would be unlawful for .

Louisiana HB 825 (2010)

human trafficking and sex offender registration and notification requirements for purposes of crimes of violence and sexual offenses listed adds criminal trafficking of children for sexual purposes.

Louisiana HB 564 (2009)

and creates a crime of sex trafficking of children for purposes of this criminal penalties for the crime.

Louisiana HB 56 (Act 187) (2005)

to provide labor or services fraud, force or coercion, transportation and other identification of the person as a selection of cakes state crime of human trafficking as a separate crime. - 10 years of imprisonment and $ 10,000 to the top-up (1) Human trafficking: the following sentence. (2) the purpose of sexual activity, including certain forms of human trafficking - 20 years, up to a $ 15,000 fine and imprisonment. (3) a person under the age of 18 involved human trafficking - not less than 5nor 25 up to $ 25,000 fine and imprisonment.

Maryland HB 345 (2011)

evidence that can be collected with the same offenses related to human trafficking crimes to the judge and oral, wire or electronic communications, preserving the right to command.

Maryland SB 299 (2011)

the evidence, oral, wire or investigative or law enforcement officers to prevent electronic communications that can be collected by the same criminal offenses related to human trafficking dependency; the judge that he would order the right to such hearings; and murder, kidnapping, sex crimes, child abuse, child pornography, gambling, robbery, bribery, extortion, false insurance documents and in connection with the deadly devices.

Maryland SB 517 (2010)

Extras and a group of law with regard to human trafficking.

Massachusetts HB 3808 (2011)

the law defines the crime of human trafficking sexual servitude. deliberately hide the person with the intent to engage in sexual or other, subject to explicit, pornographic or sexual behavior or sexual conduct for a fee of human trafficking for sexual servitude to benefit the production, will be punished 20 years, the maximum sentence and a fine of up to $ 25,000 with a five-year mandatory-minimum term. 18 under the victim of sexual servitude, including human trafficking can increase the maximum sentence of life in prison. guilty of trafficking for sexual servitude business person can be fined up to $ 1 million.
Michigan HB 5748 (§750.451 et seq.) (2006) (see document)
A Michigan Penal Code, human trafficking as a crime. penalties for human trafficking. Bill or the threat of physical harm caused by forced labor as a compelling sales person. The punishment for this crime is changing for up to 10 years to life, depending on the severity of the crime to a prison sentence. Bill immigration documents are not threatened by the prohibition of forced labor or services, and increases the penalties for human trafficking. traffic intended for human crime. Finally, kidnapping, murder or attempted murder of a victim of human trafficking, criminal sexual conduct, sentenced to life imprisonment.

Minnesota HB 1505 (2009)

particular to promote / increase the criminal penalties for the crime of sex trafficking. sex trafficking and labor trafficking crimes; violent crime gun law definition of prostitution / sex trafficking to promote dependency.

Mississippi HB 381 (§97-3-107) (2006)

forced labor or services, involuntary servitude, prohibits trafficking in persons for sexual servitude and documents shared responsibility, anti-trafficking actions. The penalties for a person of 20 years in prison with no guilty of human trafficking.

Missouri HB 214 (2011)

trafficking laws; forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage, child sexual abuse and crimes of sexual abuse through the sale of assets; criminal penalties; requires the court for restitution; and prostitution is positive for the defense.
Missouri HB 1487 (§168.071 R.S.Mo.) (2004) (also see Services)
A Class A child sex trafficking as a crime. In addition, through the use of forced labor and trafficking for forced labor or sexual exploitation or abuse of an individual to a class B crime. documents human trafficking is a Class D crime. human trafficking as part of a criminal conviction, the court should be ordered to pay the victim back to the criminal. any victims of human trafficking crimes, as well as the federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 provided that the rights and protection.

Montana SB 385 (2007)

involuntary servitude and forced servitude to the crime of trafficking in persons. 10-100 years in prison and a $ 100,000 fine penalty of up-scale.

Nebraska LB 771 (2010)

The draft of a pregnant woman changes the rules of criminal offenses; including human trafficking. This draft law, sex offender registration and testing them as a dangerous sexual offender under the law classifies people convicted of human trafficking.

Nevada AB 383 (§200) (2007)

some documents related to the forced servitude in this country illegal transportation of an alien into the specific actions involved include illegal trafficking and human trafficking a criminal offense. its Web site to prevent illegal hiring or employment of the employer to verify their workers' social security numbers, including the Social Security Administration to communicate with the director of the Department of Business and Industry.

New Hampshire HB 474 (2009)
prohibits human trafficking. or commercial sex work to deal with the trafficking of persons for forced penalties and loss of facilities used in connection with human trafficking. prison term extended to 18 years, the age of the subject persons involved in such crimes.

 New Jersey AB 2730 (Chapter 77) (2005)
defined as a crime of the first degree defines human trafficking as "to engage in illegal sexual activity or to provide labor or services of a person." the defendant was an organizer, supervisor, financier or manager to participate in the scheme of human trafficking as a mandatory term of imprisonment. mandatory term of imprisonment term of 20 years in prison.

New Mexico (2008)
defines human trafficking as a crime and punishment.
New York SB 5902 (Penal Law §230.34, §135.35 et seq.) (2007)
a criminal offense and for sex trafficking and labor trafficking, including trafficking penalties.

1896 (2006), North Carolina HB (see document)
trafficking crime.

North Dakota SB 2209 (2009)
the definition of a crime of human trafficking and debt bondage, and forced labor or services.

Ohio SB 162 (2010)
phone companies to revise the system of state regulation; telephone companies as a type of illegal behavior, including human trafficking.

Ohio SB 235 (2010)
documents human trafficking and illegal criminal behavior. They're subject to mandatory elements, and increases the penalties for the crime of kidnapping, based on involuntary servitude and to deal with the behavior of other compelling element of compelling prostitution. Bill is also part of the conspiracy crime, including trafficking and kidnapping.

Oklahoma SB 956 (2010)
related crimes and punishments; Prohibits human trafficking; illegal trafficking of what changes; the age of the victim for the purposes of punishment; The victim for actual and punitive damages that may result in civil action; civil action reasonable attorneys' fees; defines civil law restrictions rescue efforts; allow the seizure and forfeiture of property.

Oklahoma HB 2983 (2010)
related crimes and punishments; in order to avoid financial transaction reporting requirements, and proceeds to conceal the commission of such an act or an act of terrorism in order to hide or to conceal or disguise the source of the target prohibits a person from conducting any financial transaction; electronic funds transfer and breach of the Anti-Terrorism Law and the changes related to the swindler-influenced and corrupt organizations. Human trafficking organizations.

Oregon SB 578 (§131.602 et seq.) (2007)
people and forced servitude to another person under the criminal offense of trafficking.

Pennsylvania HB 1112 (§9720.2, §911) (2006)
includes the element of human trafficking and trafficking in rape or kidnapping is a judge for the maximum sentence of life.

Rhode Island HB 5044 (2010)
It is trying to buy the services of a prostitute, and a mainstay of prostitution would create criminal penalties for individuals, includes any place where prostitution is a crime.

Rhode Island HB 5661 (2009)
Mandates for each person to life imprisonment for not less than forty thousand dollars fine and a sex trafficking charges.

Rhode Island SB 605 (2009)
This is a young person guilty of sex trafficking for no less than forty thousand dollars ($ 40,000) fine and imprisonment sidewalks.
Rhode Island SB 5881 & SB 692 (§11-67-1 et seq.) (2007)
involuntary servitude and trafficking in persons for labor or commercial sexual activity a criminal offense. penalty.
South Carolina HB 4202 (2010)
human trafficking to the list of offenses and a Class A crime.

South Dakota SB 176 (2011)
the crime of human trafficking, and to establish the level of criminal elements and to provide penalties for violation; nobody, port, transport, employment or any other person by force, fraud or coercion to know, forced prostitution, forced labor or slavery can be used to cause a person to engage in visibility; and criminal penalties.

Tennessee HB 171 (2011)
currently, human trafficking, and real and personal property used in committing a crime, the court confiscated and the persons deprived of their withdrawal of funds for disposal.
Companion Bill Tennessee SB 604 (2011).
Tennessee HB 1302 (2010)
This is an illegal restraint of the bill, compelling prostitution, production of pornography and violent, and creates a new crime against persons engaged in the sale and determine the cause of a new civil action.

Tennessee SB 2724 (2010)
Law, Tennessee under the registered sex offender and violent sexual offenders, Verification and Tracking Act (the Act) or a member of sexual crimes and the law, and to meet the needs of a person convicted of a crime of sexual violence. A sexual assault and other crimes, if committed by a parent, except to steal, and include, but are not included. The only victim of the kidnapping of the draft law in the context of a sexual crime. This is the law of crimes of sexual violence to the list of crimes of sexual servitude to the crime of trafficking in people.

Texas HB 2096 (Tex. Penal Code §20A.02) (2003)
second level with a penalty of two to 20 years in prison for trafficking as a crime. trafficking in persons under the age of 14, or persons transported, or death if the Commission the results of a criminal offense with a penalty of five to 99 years' imprisonment is a crime of the first degree.

Utah HB 230 (2010)
Associated with the crime of human trafficking or human smuggling charge to change the Criminal Code; it is contrary to the laws or the introduction of human trafficking trafficking as a separate crime against the person.

Utah HB 339 (2008) (§76-5-308 et. Seq.)
kidnapping, human trafficking and smuggling crimes.

Vermont HB 153 (2011)
and criminal penalties for human trafficking prevention programs, and the creation of a system of comprehensive program of services for victims of human trafficking; and criminal penalties for child sex trafficking.
Vermont SB 125 (2009)
force, fraud or coercion commercial sex trade through the creation of a new contact.

Virginia HB 1898 (2011)
Compensation law, the purpose of producing child pornography or any part of the purpose of prostitution or prostitution in order to live together out of wedlock children under the age of 16 in any Class 2 that is left to the criminal penalties.
Virginia HB 2016 (2009) (see document)
forced labor or services, including kidnapping a person in order for the person to go to "steal" expands.

>> Washington SB 5546 (2011)
related to changes in the crime of human trafficking.

>> Washington HB 1175 (A.R.C.W. §7.68.350) (2003)
a first and second class as a crime under the laws of Washington defines sex trafficking and labor trafficking. A first level of a crime and sentenced to 14 years in prison and a secondary sale hold a maximum of nine years. for the damage to victims of human trafficking and for the value of the suit brought to the court.


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